
Going Farther for Christ…
Faith UMC’s Social Action Committee (SAC, our Missions Committee) is charged with inviting, educating, and empowering the congregation concerning community, national and global outreach and mission opportunities. The primary goal of the Social Action Committee is to provide an array of opportunities for each member of our congregation, community to respond to their individual calls to service. Social Action Committee provides serving opportunities in 4 distinct service categories.
Faith UMC sponsors Mission Trip opportunities for adults, youth, and families, including week-long
mission trips to various locations Japan, Canada, Mexico to name a few.
Local Outreach 
SAC organizes volunteer teams to extend our hands of service to programs in our community. Currently, we participate in the Shared Bread meal service at First UMC of Redondo Beach by preparing and serving hot meals on the fourth Wednesday of every month. SAC also participates in a Habitat for Humanity building projects.
SAC has sponsored collections of health supplies for UMCOR and a holiday food and toy drive to benefit local programs in the community, Love INC, Families in Crisis and Helping Hands. We sponsor a Back-To-School drive to collect backpacks and school supplies for children and organizations in need.
Peace With Justice
Faith United Methodist Church, designated a Peace with Justice Covenant Congregation in the West District, believes that Christ’s ministry is not meant to be something that resides solely within the confines of a building itself, but that Christ calls his followers to a ministry that is global in scope and outreach. Faith UMC seeks to be faithful to its calling through our support of programs in our United Methodist denomination as well as for those programs and causes that we have taken on through our Church: such as providing relief for victims of natural disasters in the US and around the world; giving in support or social service agencies; college scholarships and United Methodist-related college, universities and hospitals; support of struggling church ministries and the building of new ministries around the world; support of missionaries that bring Christ to people around the world; and medical missionaries that bring treatment and health education to the infirm, to name just a few. We are providing monetary and material assistance to global concerns caused by natural disasters through UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief. As a church, we continually seek to expand this ministry of global outreach as a means of being faithful to Christ’s calling upon us
Faith UMC’s Social Action Committee meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. The committee is open to anyone who desires to serve and to inspire service in others. For more information, please contact the church office at (310) 217-7000.
Sack Lunches for Day Laborers:

3rd Saturday of each month.

Sign up to help make sack lunches for day laborers at Home Depot! Four persons needed each month.

See sign-up sheet in the narthex for 2017. If you would like to help but unable to sign up at church please call the church office at (310) 217-7000 or email outreach@faithsouthbay.org

Master’s Kitchen:

Our new Fellowship Hall was funded by the sale of Gardena First’s church and buildings.  Their campus was a center of activity and help for the neighborhood.  One of their most noticeable and impactful ministries was Master’s Kitchen which served meals for those in need.  It is our wish to continue this vital service for our neighbors. For more information, contact Barbara Takumi at outreach@faithsouthbay.org.

 Master’s Kitchen April 29, 2017, 75 guests, 64 workers with compassionate hearts and willing hands!

Upcoming Master’s Kitchen – September 30 and December 30

Corazon Christmas Party 2016:

Faith United Methodist Church and Redondo Beach UMC once again helped to create a joyous Christmas party for Corazon members in Mexico. On Saturday, December 3, 2016, 578 Mexican Corazon members and about 50 volunteers from the United States celebrated the completion of another year of work in the seven Corazon communities in Tijuana and Tecate, Mexico. At Salon Mezzanine, the party site, the participants entered the front lobby, then had family photos taken with Santa.

The participants were then ushered into a large room set with round tables for ten and shown to their assigned table.  The children went into another very large room to play games.

While the children were playing games the adults were dancing or listening to music. We all gathered in the dining room for a delicious lunch of tamales, refried beans, macaroni salad, and cake. Participant names were called for the raffle ticket winners and sponsor names were called for pinatas made by the participants.

After lunch games and dancing continued. The party closed at 3 pm with all of the Corazon Mexican participants receiving their bags containing their family gift, their children’s gifts, the bag of toiletries prepared by the FUMC Primetimers and a bag of candy. They will also all receive their family photo with Santa.

Thank you all from both churches who helped with your financial contributions, your raffle, family and children’s gifts, your labor and all the many things you did to contribute to making this another memorable event. This was truly an example of God’s love expressed through human love.