Growing deeper in Christ, Going farther for Christ
According to Matthew’s Gospel, the risen Christ made it clear: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” (28:19-20).
Based on this “Great Commission,” the United Methodist Church has stated its purpose: “The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Local churches provide the most significant arena through which disciple-making occurs”
What We Believe as United Methodists
So, the mission of Faith UMC is to make disciples, and our vision statement is based on a personalized clarification of the United Methodist mission statement:
Growing Deeper in Christ – Leading people to become disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, study, prayer, small groups and fellowship groups.
Going Farther for Christ – Expressing our discipleship by sharing the light of Christ through service to those who are suffering in body, mind, and spirit.
Our discipleship roadmap uses the analogy of a healthy, fruit-bearing tree and gives more particulars on how we can live out our vision statement.
The Roots- Loving God
- Word – Saturate our mind with the Word of God.
- Prayer – Be brutally honest, but ultimately humble to hear God’s voice in prayer.
- Worship – Show God’s worth and give God glory in all that we do.
The Trunk- Loving Others
- Grace – “Everybody’s welcome.” (Romans 15:7)
- Confession – “Nobody’s perfect.” (James 5:16)
- Encouragement – “Anything’s possible.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)
The Fruits- Loving the World
- Heart of Giving – Be rich in good deeds. (1 Timothy 6:17-19)
- Hands of Service – Use what you have. (John 13:1-5)
- Feet of Evangelism – Share Good News. (Romans 10:14-15)
Faith UMC Core Values:
- Family: A community that is guided by a spirit of mutual love, forgiveness, friendship, teamwork, communication, and belonging.
- Character: Individual and community relationships guided by a spirit of honesty, integrity, justice, courage, and gratitude.
- Growth: Ministry of encouragement toward Christ-centered spiritual and emotional growth and maturity, in a spirit of self-acceptance.
- Passion: Community characterized by joy and a playful spirit, where ministry is creative and carried out with commitment, enthusiasm, and conviction.
- Excellence: Ministry and community characterized by a spirit of excellence that glorifies and honors God and that inspires people to live out Christ’s call upon their lives.